Friendsmas is that special time of year when close friends get together to consume large quantities of delicious food stuff and exchange gifts. Friends celebrating Friendsmas may not be able to contain their excitement, randomly shouting various holiday jargon. The wearing of ugly Christmas sweaters is sometimes required.1. "Best friend, when's Friendsmas?!"
2. "Let's have twelve desserts on Friendsmas even though it's only going to be the two of us!"
3. "So...who's buying the groceries?"
#OkBoomer, te ezt nem érted!
The most important thing to remember about Friendsmas is that it isn't technically Christmas. You don't have to follow any Christmas traditions, feel free to start your own. This is a holiday to celebrate friendship, so just get your friends together and do whatever will make you all happy. My friends usually model our Friendsmas like a small Christmas, but you get free reign here.
In some rare cases, you may have problems getting your friends on board. There are two solutions here: find new friends you actually enjoy having a good time, or win them over. Usually this is best done my following what I call College Law. If you haven't notice by now, the one way to guarantee attendance to an event in college is to offer something free, with food being the gold standard of free items and t-shirts coming in at a close second. If your friends are on the fence about planning Friendsmas, just remind them that a second Christmas means a second Christmas dinner.
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